The University of Oregon offers three graduate degrees in Music Technology: Master of Music in Intermedia Music Technology; Doctor of Musical Arts in Music Performance with an emphasis in Performance of Data-Driven Instruments; and Doctor of Philosophy in Data-Driven Music Performance and Composition. Each curriculum strives to balance the development of artistic and creative skills with the mastery of the technical aspects of the discipline.
Students have garnered national and international recognition for the excellence of their compositional work. Alumni hold positions on university faculties, pursue various careers in the music industry, work in multimedia production and sound for film and digital gaming.
Faculty’s creative work and scholarship is presented around the country and world at prestigious conferences and festivals, at elite academic and cultural institutions, and supported by the National Science Foundation.

Master's in Intermedia Music Technology
Graduates pursuing a Master's in Intermedia Music Technology will take courses which focus in the following areas:

Doctor of Philosophy in Data-driven Music Performance & Composition
Graduates pursuing a Doctoral Degree in Data-driven Music Performance & Composition will take courses that focus in the following areas:
Student Support
Have questions on your degree requirements? Need information on undergraduate scholarships and awards? Check out these resources to get the support you need.