Additional Important Info for Incoming Undergraduate Music Majors

UO Email - Official Communications Channel

At the UO, e-mail is the official form of communication between the department, faculty, staff, and students. It is therefore mandatory that all UO students use the UO email account that they have been provided.  Because your UO e-mail will become your primary student contact while you are at the UO, please check it frequently.  For information about managing your UO e-mail account, see the Duck ID self-service page.

Getting Situated at the School

Information about other important topics (such as lockers, music student ID cards, proximity and classroom access, computers, and printers) is provided on the Admitted Students page.

Course Materials

Course materials and books can be picked up at The Duck Store (895 East 13th Avenue, Eugene, OR 97401) but books must be ordered online through The Duck Store.  For more information, visit the Duck Store's COVID response page.

Freshman Convocation

Details on this annual event, organized by the university (not the School of Music & Dance) are available on the university's Week of Welcome webpage, which will continue to be updated as more details become available.

Music and Dance Peer Advisors

Undergraduate Music and Dance Peer Advisors are an excellent resource for assistance with registration, general education requirements, music study tips, navigating online music advising resources, and more. Peer advisors will be assisting with WOW orientation sessions and will be offering advising hours throughout the week.