Music and Dance Options for All UO Students
There are many disciplines to explore at the School of Music and Dance. Study with us in accredited programs such as music history and culture, popular music, music theory, and more. We welcome students each term with the ease of no audition requirement to our program.
Study With Us!
Many MUJ- and MUS-subject courses satisfy UO Core Education groups and cultural literacy requirements. For a complete list, see the registrar's group-satisfying and cultural literacy courses chart. Course descriptions are available in the music catalog. Note that as applied to UO Core Education groups, MUS and MUJ are considered the same subject code.
Beginning Level:
The following beginning-level group classes require no placement audition:
- MUP 114 Fundamentals of Music Performance Studies I: Piano (Class Piano)
- MUP 114 Fundamentals of Music Performance Studies I: Voice (Class Voice)
- MUP 114 Fundamentals of Music Performance Studies I: Guitar
Intermediate & Advanced Level:
Private lessons are available to nonmajors for all instruments and voice on a space-available basis.
Pianists and singers with some classical training or experience may begin at MUP 165. For piano, contact Dr. Grace Ho and for voice, contact Dr. Craig Phillips. For further questions email ugradmus@uoregon.edu.
Guitarists with previous training or experience may begin at MUP 115: Fundamentals of Music Performance Studies II. Contact Avery Scanlon for permission to register.
Students interested in studying intermediate/advanced-level wind, string, or percussion instruments should contact the instructor directly, or the head of that instrumental area if no instructor is listed.
MUP repeat limits for nonmajors:
Per UO General Limitations, non-music majors may earn a maximum of 12 MUP credits.
We Offer Performance Opportunities for All
All of the SOMD's Music Ensembles are open to nonmajors. Ensemble auditions for Fall term take place during Week of Welcome. To inquire about winter and spring term auditions, students should contact the ensemble instructor directly. Note that some ensembles require a full-year commitment.
Ensembles may be repeated for a maximum of 12 times for nonmajors.
Ready to Start Your Music and Dance Degree?
Whether you want to become a major or minor at the SOMD taking the next step is simple. Explore our programs by viewing our School of Music and Dance Viewbook or contact our undergraduate advisor at ugradmus@uoregon.edu.
We encourage you to visit us to learn more about our programs and meet current faculty and students. With more than 300 events each year, come listen to the works our faculty and students work on each term!