Lance Miller
Senior Sound/Video Recording Engineer
Email: lancem@uoregon.edu
Phone: 541-346-5659
Office: 191 Frohnmayer Music Bldg
Research Interests: Music Technology, Audio Production, Applied Popular Music
Miller joined the staff at the University of Oregon School of Music and Dance in 1998, and the faculty in 2009.
Miller created and now runs the Audio Production Dept. which includes classes in Audio Production, Analog Recording, DAW Production Sequence, Documentary Field Recording, Plug-ins Design, and Data Sonification.
His production and engineering work with various faculty members and other artists have been distributed worldwide by labels Naxos, Koch, Innova, Origin, 8Bells, SideCho, Soundspells, Bridge, Dowd Records, CDMUSA, SubPop and WindUp.
Miller has been submitted for Grammy consideration along with Alexandre Dossin for their 2015 work of Leonard Bernstein songs.
Miller is a composer producing a variety of music including electronic, rock, film scores, and contemporary. He has released two albums of original music on the Perfect Records label.
Miller and his wife Holly own and operate Galahad Productions, a graphic design and audio production company since 1990.
AA 1982, Composition, Mt. Hood Community College