Profile picture of Julius Kyakuwa

Julius Kyakuwa

Visiting Assistant Professor of Music Education
Phone: 541-346-5638
Office: 110 Frohnmayer Music Bldg
Research Interests: Arts Integration, Culturally Responsive Pedagogy, Scholarly Areas, Music Education

Dr. Julius Kyakuwa obtained his doctorate from Louisiana State University. He holds a bachelor of music honors and master of music, cum laude, in music education from The University of Pretoria in South Africa. He has extensive experience as a music educator in Uganda, South Africa, and the United States. He has conducted workshops globally on integrating arts in the music classrooms, multicultural music education, and culturally responsive teaching. Recently, he served as assistant professor of music education at The University of Kansas, (KU) introducing and teaching a graduate course on intercultural awareness education. At KU he received the Mellon DEI Teaching Scholars award for his commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion in education. He has also served as a guest lecturer at universities across the U.S. Africa, and Brazil, furthering his mission to promote culturally diverse and inclusive music education practices on a global scale.

Kyakuwa's research focuses on arts integration, culturally responsive pedagogy, and music teacher education. He has presented his work at state, national, and international conferences, including the Society for Music Teacher Education, National Association for Music Education’s Research, the American Education Research Association, Desert Skies, International Society of Music Education Conference, and the Pan African Society of Musical Arts Education. Kyakuwa’s publication activity includes a single-authored book chapter, a multi-authored article in the Journal of Research in Childhood Education, a second-authored article in the Arts Education Policy Review, and short essays in The Qualitative Report.