As we approach fall term, we know you have a lot of questions about campus life during this uncertain time. Foremost, we want you to know that we’re working hard to make your return safe and healthy. We’re here to support you and keep you informed.
With that in mind, we’ve created a list of FAQs to offer the most up-to-date information available. The FAQ list will be continually revised as we learn more about the COVID-19 pandemic and the state and University's response. Please check back regularly for updates.
Important information can be found below, but please visit the FAQ page for many more answers and complete information. And remember: We’re all in this together. Our health and safety is everyone’s responsibility.
General Precautions
How can UO help me stay safe?UO will issue every student, faculty, and staff member two (2) reusable, washable masks. We have reduced the density of all classroom and building spaces to create physical distancing, increased air handling and cleaning, placed hand sanitation stations around campus and taken other measurers. See the coronavirus website for the full list of prevention measures.
What can I do to help?You can do your part by following guidelines: check for symptoms and stay home if you are sick, wear your mask, wash your hands frequently, maintain your distance – on and off campus. Encourage this behavior in classes. We will get through this by putting an emphasis on personal responsibility.
What are the cleaning and sanitation protocols for labs (eg. computer, piano, etc)?We are using an electrostatic sprayer, which takes a concentrated amount of disinfectant and mists it into the air. The mist remains active for 10 minutes – the exact time needed to fight and minimize potential transmission of the virus and to clean surfaces.
Rehearsal and Performance
Will studios and ensembles take place (and in what kind of format)?Our goal is to offer music and dance experiences in as-close-to-normal format as possible. There will be a number of precautions taken, but we are aiming to offer studio and ensemble work. Situations will vary. We will update the FAQ page as we know more.
Will contractors or visiting artists be allowed on campus?This is an ongoing conversation. As a rule, non-UO entities are discouraged from visiting campus. The University is examining special circumstances on a case-by-case basis, and making exceptions for safe and essential vendors and contractors.
Are students, faculty, or staff required to be tested for COVID-19 before returning to campus?At this time, testing is not required. However, students and employees are required to do a symptom self-check every day before coming on-campus. Read more here:
Can faculty and staff choose to work remotely in the Fall?Faculty, GEs and staff received surveys late spring term (faculty and GEs) and in June (staff) allowing them to state their preferences with respect to working remotely. In consultation with HR, the dean's office used that information to set the class schedule and build out SOMD's resumption plan; we will continue to use that information as we finalize our resumption planning. If you didn't receive that survey or would like to fill it out again, please reach out the dean's office.
Note that we expect that the university will send an updated survey soon as it continues to assess what fall term will look for our faculty, staff and students. This updated survey will allow faculty, GEs and staff to update their preferences due to changed circumstances, including how they may be impacted by the newly released K-12 guidance. Requests to work remotely will be viewed in light of the university's ongoing assessment of in-person instruction and with the goal of creating space in the workplace for employees that need to be on-campus while aligning employee preferences with operational need whenever possible. We will update this FAQ as we receive more information.
Can faculty and staff access offices during the summer?
SOMD is working hard to limit the number of people in our buildings during the summer months. David Mason, Thor Mikesell, and Brooke Cagno are working diligently to schedule building visits and maintain a safe work environment. If you need access to an SOMD building, please contact one of them to discuss a time to access offices.
Do you have a question?
If there is a question you have, or an issue you’d like addressed, please send us an email and we’ll respond within 48 hours.